Fluoroscopic Exams

Fluoroscopic Exams

Fluoroscopy is a type of X-ray that captures moving images, allowing the radiologist to observe the functioning as well as the anatomy of internal organs. Common exams that use fluoroscopy include upper gastrointestinal exams (UGI), barium enemas (BE), and intravenous pyelograms (IVP). It also is used to quickly guide the radiologist when performing a procedure that involves placing a tube, catheter or other device internally. Examples include angiography, myelograms and interventional radiology procedures.

For nearly all of these exams, static or still images are also taken to document what is seen or done at the time of the exam. A fluoroscopy unit consists of three components: the fluoroscope, which moves over the body part of interest; the monitor, that displays the moving image; and the X-ray tube, that generates the X-rays that pass through the body and create the image on the fluoroscope. As with any X-ray, patients do not feel any sensations from fluoroscopy itself.

The upper gastrointestinal (UGI) tract extends from the esophagus to the end of the small bowel. Separate X-ray examinations may be done, either alone or in combination, to produce images of this system. Barium enema is a diagnostic X-ray examination of the colon (the large intestine) to check for colon cancer, polyps, diverticula or other abnormalities.

These exams are only performed at our North, Northeast or West locations.

Barium Enema


For this 45-minute exam, preparation starts the day before with a light breakfast. Further instructions will be provided in the patients’ prep kit. If you have any questions please call our office. It is very important these instructions are followed correctly.

This exam is only performed at our North, Northeast or West locations.

Upper GI Series


In preparation for this 30-minute exam, it is important patients refrain from eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before the exam; this includes chewing gum or smoking.

This exam is only performed at our North, Northeast or West locations.

Upper GI with Small Bowel


During the evening hours before this exam, patients will take a mild laxative. As with the Upper GI Series prep, it is essential patients do not drink or eat anything after midnight, including chewing gum or smoking.

This exam can take anywhere from one to three hours, so we recommend patients wear a comfortable sweat suit and bring reading material with them.

This exam is only performed at our North, Northeast or West locations.